No, we’re not talking about how to best cook a steak but how to best heal from surgery. You could have the best surgeon in the world but unless you follow the recovery instructions and care for yourself when you get home you risk not having the very best results.
The whole idea of “brining vs. marinating” is how you’re going to take the best care for yourself post surgery.
To brine is to stay stagnant to stay unmoving .. to brine!
Where to marinate is so take the time to become your best! There are so many things patients can do to become their best after surgery – so many things patients can do to ensure their results are fantastic! Let’s discuss!
1. Light therapy. One of the best tools for marination vs. brining aka recovery is light therapy. Blue light assists with wound care. Blue light has antibacterial benefits which can assist with infection which makes it beneficial for immediate post surgical use. Red light therapy penetrates deeper than blue light which makes it appropriate for surgical healing only after a few days (as always please consult with your surgeon before doing any after care therapy). Red light is going to target inflammation and boost collagen making it ideal to heal up scar repair.
2. Moving around. When you leave something to marinate all of the spices and flavors are moving together to create something beautiful – so let’s move around! Walking is an excellent way to keep your body moving and your blood flow going post surgery. It’s important to not over exaggerate yourself post surgery but walking is an excellent way to speed up your healing and recovery.
3. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. HBOT is super interesting because it works by increasing the amount of oxygen dissolved in the plasma, which enhances oxygen delivery to tissues. This oxygen saturation supports a variety of healing processes. HBOT is going to help heal tissue and reduce inflammation
It is important to remember we want to marinate not brine post surgery. There are so many positive therapies and treatments post surgical patients can take part in to ensure their results the very best they can be. Don’t be afraid to marinate post surgery!