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Hydrafacial vs Diamond Glow

Hydrafacial and diamond glow are two of the most popular skin treatments in the United States. Both can provide an effective treatment for acne and other skin concerns, but they come with their own set of risks and benefits. In this article we will discuss how these two procedures work and whether or not they are right for you.

Introducing Hydrafacial

Hydrafacial is a non-invasive skin treatment that delivers instant results. It’s an alternative to the traditional microdermabrasion process, which can be painful and leave your face red and irritated. The vacuum pressure, exfoliation and extraction used during Hydrafacial result in smoother skin with better texture than traditional microdermabrasion treatments.

Hydrafacial uses a combination of vacuum pressure, exfoliation and extraction to achieve flawless skin that looks younger than ever before!

Diamond Glow

Diamond glow is a non-invasive treatment that uses diamond powder to exfoliate the skin. The diamond powder works by removing dead skin cells, but it doesn’t leave behind any marks or blemishes on your face. It also works to reduce wrinkles and fine lines as well as age spots, which makes it an excellent choice for people who have sensitive skin or suffer from rosacea (a condition caused by reactive inflammation).


Diamond glow is especially good for getting rid of blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne (papules), pustules and comedones (blackheads). You can use this treatment once every two weeks if you want smoother looking skin with less visible blemishes that pop up unexpectedly throughout the day!

How It Works

The process of microdermabrasion is as follows: First, you’ll need to wash your face with soap and water. Then, you’ll apply a solution to the skin that contains some sort of exfoliator (like glycolic acid or salicylic acid). Afterward, you’ll sit in front of an exfoliating device that uses microparticles to remove dead skin cells and exfoliate them away from your face. This process will leave behind a smooth layer on top of your face!


Microdermabrasion can be used for many things besides removing blackheads—it can also help reduce wrinkles, enlarge pores, make acne scars less noticeable and even improve complexion overall if done regularly over time.* If you have acne-prone/sensitive skin it’s worth noting that this method isn’t recommended for people who already have active breakouts because it could cause more problems than good if applied incorrectly.

What The Treatment Looks Like

Hydraderm is a non-invasive skin care treatment that uses gentle suction to remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells from your face. The procedure takes about 30 minutes and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Your technician will gently pull away layers of dead skin cells while you relax on a table covered with soft cotton sheets. After cleansing your face with an exfoliating scrub before treatment (if desired), a hydration gel is applied to seal it in place during treatment so that it won’t rub off onto anything else or get messy when removing cloths after treatment has been completed.

How Often The Treatment Is Performed

The treatment is performed once a month. It’s not painful, and it only takes an hour to complete. You can have the treatment done at a spa or clinic and in most cases, you won’t need to be there long at all.

When To Schedule The Treatment

How often should you have a facial?

You should schedule your next Hydrafacial every three to six months. If you want to maintain the effects of hydration and collagen production, it’s best to keep up with these treatments as much as possible. If you only have one Hydrafacial per year (for example, after an intensive summer tanning session), then great! Just make sure that your skin is prepared for the procedure so that it doesn’t get dry or irritated during treatment. Ideally, however—and this is especially true if your skin tends toward dryness—you’ll want to wait at least two weeks between each treatment so that all of those dead cells can be removed before they start building up again on top of everything else happening underneath them in their new home: crevices where there wasn’t much room before because of all those dead cells covering everything else up like dusters piled on top of furniture trying desperately not fall off into oblivion.”


• If you have active acne, it’s not a good idea to get the treatment.

• If you have active rosacea, it’s not a good idea to get the treatment.

• If you have active eczema and/or psoriasis, it’s not a good idea to get the treatment because they are inflammatory skin conditions that can be exacerbated by repeated exposure to harsh chemicals in your beauty routine.

Side Effects

When undergoing the procedure, you may experience minor redness, swelling, and some bruising. Some people are more sensitive to the sun than others and may experience sensitivity to sunlight for up to two weeks after treatment.

The Importance of Having A Clear Skin Routine

One of the most important things you can do to achieve a clear skin routine is to make sure your face is clean. Not only does this help with breakouts and blemishes, but it also makes sure that any dirt or oil on your skin isn’t left behind when you wash up.

It’s also important to keep in mind what products are best for different types of skin—for example, if someone has oily skin with acne-prone spots (like me), they should use an exfoliating cleanser every morning and night along with a toner before applying moisturizer after washing their face off. On the flip side, people who have dry complexions should avoid harsh cleansers altogether; instead they should opt for gentle formulas like cream cleansers instead so as not to cause irritation while still getting rid of excess oil and dirt build up around those pesky pores!

A truly clear skin routine.

Hydrafacial is a great way to clear your skin, remove impurities from the skin and help reduce acne. It also helps to reduce blackheads, redness and dark spots.


In short, a truly clear skin routine is the best way to treat acne, blackheads and pimples. It will result in the best possible results for you and your skin. You can achieve this with a combination of products that are safe for use on all skin types and don’t cause any side effects at all! That’s why we recommend using our Skin Clearing Solution. Visit our store to find out the products that we offer!