Chicago's premiere facial & body non-surgical aesthetics

Chin Dimpling- with Jonathon

Aesthetic Skin Chicago’s nurse injector Jonathan discusses chin dimpling or orange peel chin as it’s often referred to. Chin dimpling can be treated with a neuromodulator like Botox or Dysport. A neuromodulator is going to help relax the muscle for a less textured look and a smoother appearance. Jonathan recommends 6 to 8 units of Botox or Dysport to achieve your desired result.

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Hey guys, it’s Jonathan and I’m here to talk to you about Chin dimpling or orange peel chin as it’s referred to. This can be treated with a neuromodulator, such as Botox or Dysport, and six to eight units is recommended for this area. It helps relax the muscle for a smoother appearance in those textured areas.

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