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BEAUTY TALK - Ep. 14 - Why PRP Doesn't Work For Everyone

BEAUTY TALK - Ep. 14 - Why PRP Doesn't Work For Everyone

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So it’s no secret that P R P is helpful in many areas, including growing hair, helping patients recover from joint problems in other areas, it can also be used in patients after facials. However, it doesn’t, it seem to work for every person and it might take some patients more sessions or less sessions. The reason is everyone’s blood is different. We have a different amount of platelets. Some people may have lower platelets. Some people may have higher blood, uh, platelets.


And so some patients, um, have that different effect. There could also be different receptivity to how P R P responds to your own tissues. In some patients, their hair cells may be more responsive to hair, um, to P R P um, in others, they might need to get primed or that this might not be as responsive to these types of growth factors.


So for this reason, P R P has some variability for most patients. I actually prefer exosomes. It’s easier for patients easier to not have a blood draw, much less uncomfortable, and they see more results sooner. It doesn’t mean P R P and P R FM doesn’t play a role because it still does, but, um, it’s worth patients considering using exosomes.