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Unlocking Natural Lashes: A Guide to Latisse and RevitaLash

It is every woman’s dream to have those naturally long full lashes – unfortunately that is not the reality for most. For most women they will glue on false lashes, opt for lash extensions or cake on mascara to get their desired look. 

The monthly maintenance cost of false lashes and lash extensions can top off at over $1,000 a month! Also, the malign effects of mascara, false lashes and lash extensions have widely been documented. Gluing on false lashes can disturb the eye’s natural lashes forcing them to fall out at a faster rate and not grow back as full since the follicles are being disturbed while lash extensions can also have malign effects causing inflammation, infections and at worst eye mites and finally too much mascara can cause also cause your natural lashes too much tension causing them to fall out more rapidly. So what is the safest answer to natural long lashes? Latisse and RevitaLash.

Latisse and Revitalash are both FDA- approved products formulated to aid in lash growth, thickness, darkening, and of course lash length. Dissimilarly from glue on extensions Latisse and RevitaLash are safe and effective solutions. It is also important to note that both products offer a long-term salutation. Painting them on 

Latisse specifically is formulated with bimatoprost. Bimatoprost is a compound that stimulates lash 

growth. When a patient applies Latisse to their lash line every day or even every other day the results of longer, thicker, and darker lashes will begin to appear in as fast as four weeks – no sticky glues needed. 

RevitaLash is a serum consisting of peptides, vitamins, and botanicals meant to nourish and essentially feed the unhealthy lashes . When used as directed RevitaLash can also enhance the lash appearance making lashes  longer, darker, thicker and healthier. 

RevitaLash and Latisse can also be used in conjunction with each other. Some patients report excellent results using Latisse one month and RevitaLash the next. 

There is no evidence of damage, breakage with RevitaLash and Latisse unike what has been reported with lash extensions or glue on lashes. Also, Latisse and RevitaLash are proven to be more cost effective for patients for the short term and the long term. 

Women can feel more confident with longer lashes and we can encourage you to try Latisse and or RevitaLash to empower yourself to feel good in your skin. Stop by Aesthetic Skin Chicago or Aesthetic Skin Winnetka to pick up your Latisse and RevitaLash today!