Chicago's premiere facial & body non-surgical aesthetics

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What Is Bellafill?

Bellafill has been around for a while and is the ONLY FDA approved filler currently on the market for acne scars.  So why doesn’t every practice provide this product?  Well, Bellafill is a longer lasting product, think 5 years plus, so if patients have a problem with it there’s no going back.  It is not reversible.

Very few providers are capable of using Bellafill.  So why use this product?  And why have your Bellafill treatment at Aesthetic Skin Chicago? Here are the TOP 4 REASONS!

Reason 1:  Microsweep Technique Adaption

Dr. Shah has devised a specialized type of subcision and placement of Bellafill that helps keep the Bellafill in place and not migrate to other areas.  

*Fig. 1 - Standard Subcision Path
*Fig. 1 – Standard Subcision Path

Standard subcision is to go from the side of the scar and try and widely sweep the acne scar free from the underlying skin.  However, this may work well for releasing the scar but then the product can free flow anywhere along the subcision path.  

*Fig. 2 - Dr. Shah's Microsweep Technique
*Fig. 2 – Dr. Shah’s Microsweep Technique

Dr. Shah’s technique (which his associates use) is a microsweep technique.  He and his team go in at a 5 degree angle to the scar (nearly but not completely vertical) to make sure the product stays in place and does not migrate elsewhere.

*Fig. 3 - Filler Pushes Up Scar
*Fig. 3 – Filler Pushes Up Scar

His technique allows for Bellafill to safely and effectively lift acne scars and stay in the intended space.

*Fig. 4 - Bellafill Turns Into Collagen and Maintains Flatness
*Fig. 4 – Bellafill Turns Into Collagen and Maintains Flatness

Reason #2: Skin Texture Improvement (Mixed With Collagen)

Bellafill Patient Before and After
Bellafill Patient Before and After

Bellafill actually improves the texture of the skin.  The mix of polymethylmethacrylate (the longer duration component) with the collagen (the part that makes the skin look better).  Collagen is critical to our skin and this seems to help our patients’ skin just look healthier.

Reason #3: Less Bumps

Bellafill Patient Before and After

Although we worry about Bellafill creating potential bumps since it is not reversible and longer acting, we have found the product extremely safe.  Our results have mirrored those of the FDA approval study which showed .5% which is 1 out of 200 patients have any long term issues.  This is actually lower than many HA products on the market.  We find that HA products, when used for acne scars, can create bumps and disappear fairly quickly when used for this purpose.

Reason #4 We Have A Facial Plastic Surgeon If You Need It

Dr. Anil Shah is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon and is available in the rare case you experience is not ideal.  He doesn’t just put his name on the door or just sign charts, he injects the product and perfects the technique and has a meeting with the whole team so we can make sure everyone’s technique and goals are replicable.  Our training program is the longest in the business at one year making our injectors over qualified by the time they inject you.  If there was a lump or bump, he has multiple ways to address solutions.